Improving road safety is a key objective of local, regional and national transport policies, especially since the second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030 was launched by the United Nations in 2020 with the aim of reducing road deaths and injuries by 50% in the next decade.
It is through effective Road Safety Auditing that safety concerns can be highlighted at the completion of preliminary design, detailed design and construction, and as a post-opening monitoring exercise.
A Road Safety Audit is an independent evaluation undertaken to identify potential road safety problems that may affect users of the highway. A problem is defined as “a resultant potential road traffic collision type, that can include road user injuries where there is no identifiable road traffic collision type and existing road safety matters where the proposed highway scheme impacts the existing road safety matter or vice versa”.
As per the requirements set out in GG119 of the of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), there will be at least one member of the Audit Team who will hold a “Certificate of Competence” (CoC). This is required to undertake audits on the Trans European Road Network (TERN) and the Transport for London (TfL) Road Network.
In addition, all of our Auditors have achieved membership of the Society of Road Safety Auditors (MSoRSA) and / or are registered Auditors with the Institute of Highway Engineers RegRSA(IHE). Achieving this membership status entails undertaking regular detailed reviews of our work, and previous experience, and has been confirmed to meet their high standards. This membership also emphasises the level of service that we can offer clients and extends the remit of work we can offer, including working in the TFL area/network.
We specialise in undertaking Road Safety Audits at all stages for numerous clients, such as Transport Consultants, Civil Engineers, Housing Developers, Architects, Local Authorities and even private individuals across the UK. So, wherever your project is, please do not hesitate to contact us for a friendly service and very competitive fee proposal.